SOAP vs REST – API Differences Explained!

SOAP vs REST – API Differences Explained!

Suppose you are ordering food at a restaurant and have two ways: You can either talk to a waiter, go through a detailed process, and wait for your meal (SOAP API), or you can use a quick, easy app to order and pay in a few taps (REST API).

That’s the basic difference between SOAP and REST APIs—one is formal and structured, while the other is quick and flexible. Let’s explore how these two play out in the business world!

APIs are necessary for writing contemporary software. They provide data interchange and communication between many applications. The two main types of APIs where one is SOAP and other one is REST API. Understanding the differences between them (SOAP vs REST APIs) makes it essential to fit your business goals. REST is flexible and easy to use whereas SOAP provides security and reliability.

Despite the difference between SOAP and RESTFUL API in use cases, their design approaches, and objectives remain the same.

  • SOAP's security and robustness features are beneficial for enterprise-level systems that require transactional stability.
  • While, RESTFUL APIs are more powerful, scalable, and have easy-to-use protocols that are ideal for web and mobile apps.

But how to decide on SOAP API vs REST API is still a big question. To do this, let’s get clarity on their key considerations.

Choosing Between SOAP and REST APIs - Key Considerations

REST and SOAP are two different ways to connect applications with server-side data. Both API integration service formats use data that humans and machines can read and often use HTTP protocols. But there are many differences between the two which makes them suitable for different needs, such as:

1. SOAP vs REST API - Business Needs and Strategic Goals

When deciding on REST API vs SOAP API, it is important to consider your core needs and long-term goals.

  •  REST APIs are a good option for those who expect their business grow quickly and adjust to changing needs. REST API compared to SOAP API, is typically more versatile and simpler to establish.
  •  REST is Asynchronous. It can handle many requests at once, and for this reason it’s a popular choice for customer interaction applications.

However, SOAP API's transactional and secure capabilities make it a better choice for businesses that want to maintain high reliability and security. Also, many industries like banking, finance, and healthcare, rely heavily on SOAP API to ensure secure transactions that meet industry standards. Secure, high-quality data is crucial for these industries.

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2. Cost and Resource Management - SOAP vs REST API

Between SOAP and REST APIs, there might be large differences in the original development and continuing maintenance costs. Although both are easy and user-friendly, REST APIs usually take fewer resources to create and maintain. These differences between REST API and SOAP API, makes REST a desirable choice for startups and low-budget companies as it allows for quicker service deployment and iteration.

In certain situations, the higher expenses of SOAP APIs can be justified due to their improved security and reliability, notwithstanding their complexity. Businesses that value transactional stability and need extensive security measures could benefit from investing in SOAP APIs. Furthermore, because SOAP is organized, it helps lower long-term maintenance costs by guaranteeing consistency and dependability among various systems.

3. Performance and Reliability - SOAP vs REST API

Reliability and system performance are important things to think about when developing long-term business strategies. Because of the lightweight architecture and stateless nature, REST APIs frequently provide better scalability and performance. They are perfect for applications that need to scale horizontally, such as social networking platforms and e-commerce websites, because they can efficiently handle high request volumes.

Mission-critical applications require higher reliability and consistency, which SOAP APIs offer despite their heavier weight. Transaction success is guaranteed by the protocol's integrated error handling and retry methods, even in the event of a network outage. Because of this, SOAP is a dependable option for applications where data consistency and integrity are essential requirements.

4. Integration and Compatibility: SOAP vs REST API

Compatibility with third-party services and ease of integration with current systems are essential factors to consider. REST APIs are a popular option for web and mobile applications because of their well-known simplicity and ease of integration. A wide range of clients can easily consume REST APIs since they employ common HTTP methods and formats like JSON and XML.

Because of its standardized protocol, SOAP APIs are very compatible with both older systems and enterprise-level applications. Because it uses the WS-Security standard for secure connection and XML for message formatting, SOAP is a strong option for integrating with complicated systems that demand adherence to industry standards and stringent security measures.

5. Security and Compliance - SOAP vs REST API

A primary concern for any API implementation is security. Because SOAP APIs have built-in security features like WS-Security, they are better suited for applications that demand strict security controls. Sensitive data is always protected thanks to these capabilities, which include digital signatures, secure session management, and message encryption.

Although they rely on outside security mechanisms like OAuth and HTTPS, REST APIs can also be safe. Although these techniques offer robust security, their implementation must be done carefully to prevent weaknesses. Companies need to balance robust protection with ease of use when selecting an API design, considering their unique security requirements.

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6. Flexibility and Adaptability - SOAP vs REST API

The difference between SOAP and REST API depends on their extreme flexibility and adaptability, REST APIs help organizations react swiftly to shifting consumer needs and technical developments. The difference between SOAP and restful API is evident in their approach to updating and expanding. REST APIs, with their stateless architecture and usage of common HTTP methods, developers may easily update and expand them, adding new features and enhancing speed without interfering with already-running services.

REST APIs, with their stateless architecture and use of common HTTP methods, allow developers to easily add new features and enhance performance without disrupting existing services.

Less flexible than other APIs, SOAP APIs provide a more standardized approach that may be useful in highly regulated businesses. The extensive feature set and stringent standards of the protocol offer a solid foundation for creating dependable, compliant applications. Because of this, SOAP is a wise option for companies that need a high degree of consistency and control in their API interactions.

7. Vendor Support and Community - SOAP vs REST API

Active community support and the availability of vendor can have a big impact on how well your API implementation goes. Differences between SOAP API and REST API includes a broad community engagement that provides a wide range of information, guides, and discussion boards. It is simpler for developers to solve typical issues and stay updated on best practices with this wide support network.

Despite having a smaller community, SOAP APIs frequently have strong vendor support, particularly from business solution vendors. For their SOAP-based solutions, businesses such as Microsoft and Oracle provide copious amounts of documentation, tools, and support services. For companies that need all-encompassing help with their API implementations, this kind of support can be quite helpful.

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SOAP vs REST APIs - Case Studies and Real-World Examples

Both SOAP vs REST APIs are widely used by enterprises with successful integrations.

Real-world Use cases of REST APIs

REST APIs are used by social networking and e-commerce platforms due to their scalability and ease of use. Because REST is stateless, these systems can manage high request volumes with ease, offering a flawless user experience even during periods of high demand. Some of the popular examples of REST APIs are:

Twitter API for Social Media Integration

The Twitter API is a powerful tool for social media integration, enabling developers to seamlessly incorporate Twitter’s features into their applications. With the API, you can access and interact with Twitter data, such as tweets, user profiles, and trends, in real-time. This allows for functionalities like posting tweets, retrieving user timelines, and analyzing social media trends. By employing the Twitter API, you can enhance your business platforms with dynamic social media content, improve user engagement, and gain valuable insights into audience behaviour.

Google Maps API for Location Services

The Google Maps REST API is highly used for incorporating mapping and geolocation services to applications. Some of the fields that apply this API include traveling, logistics, and delivery since they rely on the route, nearby search, and tracking which make them to be efficient and customer satisfactory.

Spotify API for Music Streaming Integration

Spotify's REST API lets apps integrate its music library, providing personalized experiences and enhancing user engagement through seamless streaming.

Slack API for Workflow Automation

The Slack REST API automates workflows and integrates with various tools, streamlining communication and boosting productivity in organization.

Real-world Use cases of SOAP APIs

Financial institutions, for instance, frequently use strong security features and transaction management capabilities of SOAP APIs to conduct secure transactions. These APIs guarantee the reliable completion of transactions and the secure transmission of sensitive financial data. Some of the popular examples of SOAP APIs are:

PayPal API for Payment Processing

The SOAP API is utilized by businesses using PayPal for accommodating payment processing, transaction handling, and account services. It is ideal in offering complete security measures to handle compromising sensitive financial data and information.

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Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Queue Service (SQS)

Initially, AWS attempted to support SOAP to manage the message queues within distributed applications. SOAP was perfect for guaranteeing message delivery with firmly built-in security and transaction capabilities in these systems.

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SOAP vs. REST - Choosing the Right API

When choosing between SOAP and REST APIs, it’s important to consider various factors. Start by asking yourself the following questions.

  • What are the main objectives of your business?
  • How much compliance and security do you need?
  • How important are scalability and performance for your app?
  • What is your budget for keeping the APIs running and expanding them?

Once you get clear with these questions, you get the right API architecture that fits your requirements the best.

Also, learn about the advantages and disadvantages of each choice (SOAP and REST APIs). This understanding will help you choose the best option for your company's growth and success.

In this blog, we discussed the differences between SOAP and REST APIs. We also discovered the important factors to consider when deciding on SOAP vs REST APIs and looked at examples of each.

Ready to leverage the power of APIs? Connect with APITech for expert SOAP and REST API development.


(1) When to use SOAP and REST web services?

We recommend using SOAP web services when your project requires high security, reliable messaging, or strict standards, such as in financial services or healthcare. On the other hand, REST is perfect for projects that need flexibility, scalability, and simplicity, such as mobile applications or web services. Our team helps you choose the right one from SOAP vs REST APIs based on your specific business needs and technical requirements.

(2) Is SOAP outdated?

No, SOAP is still not outdated. While REST has become more popular for its easy implementation and flexibility, SOAP is still relevant in industries that rely on security, reliable transactions, and commitment to standards. At APITech, we acknowledge the fact that SOAP has its advantages and disadvantages as does REST, and we give insights on which is best to be used in your integration project.

(3) Why is SOAP more secure than REST?

In the war between SOAP API vs REST API, SOAP is said to be more secure than REST because of its in-built security that supports encryption and secure transactions. This makes it ideal for applications for businesses which need added security and integrity of data in their operations. As for us in APITech, we make use of these API security features to offer high quality integration solutions that protect your information as well as follow industry regulations.

(4) Can your integration handle the high-performance demands of FinTech applications?

Yes, APITech offers the best solutions that handle the demanding performance needs of FinTech applications. Our APIs offer scalability and efficient optimization to ensure smooth operation even under heavy workloads. The strong ecosystem, with useful libraries and frameworks, supports high-performance and reliable financial applications.